Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guitar Hero Aerosmith review

Hello! This is R2D2 with a Guitar Hero Aerosmith review! How will it compare to the normal Guitar Hero 3? Good or bad? Find out here!




Okay, first of all, the main Gameplay rules are more or less the same as the normal GH3. 5 colours, 4 difficulty levels, star power, etc. However there are some differences, most of them negative. First of all, you can easily get 100% on most EXPERT songs if you tried. Yeah, it's a BIT too easy. Secondly, although not as much on expert as on medium or easy, some of the note annotations are noticeably off. The song would sound like one thing, but the notes would either come at you at the wrong time, or what you are playing just wouldn't resemble what you are hearing.



The graphics are more or less exactly the same as the normal GH3 graphics. They DO have nice animations for the Aerosmith members, though.



The game offers a nice selection of songs to play, though not as many as the original GH3. However is this selection good or bad? Meh, kind of in the middle. They have some pretty crappy songs, like "Love in an Elevatior",(Though somehow considered a hit) and "Uncle Salty". They DO have some really nice Aerosmith songs, like "Dream On", and "Kings and Queens". I'd say the Music is around average.

MUSIC: 6/10


An O.K. game, not bad. But to genuinely and holly love it, you've got to like every single Aerosmith song ever made, and ignore the minor gameplay issues. But for most people? Good if you don't have much else to do, I guess.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Command & Destroy (DS) review

Hello! Today I will be reviewing the Nintendo DS game called "Command and destroy", made by Cypron studios. It is a top-down real time war game. This game is probably un-heard of by you... But is it good or bad?

*Note: I only played through the first level of this game. I then got extremely frustrated, and thought that for my own health I should stop.*


Me thinks they were not feeling like coming up with anything intelligent. The story is effectively this: Aliens attack humans. Wow, impressive story line... NOT! You can side with either the aliens or the humans, not that it makes much difference.

STORY: 2/10


The gameplay? Ehhhhh.... Well, first things first. They managed to somehow make it impossible to scroll the map, which should be the simplest thing in the world. What little in game instructions they have barely tell you anything. controls are sometimes unresponsive, and you'll probably spend more time trying to get one of your soldiers to move than actually solving the mission. Also, they didn't make a decent save system like most games have, but instead, they have a "Password" system, where you are given the code to the next level after you beat a level. I mean that's what the first metroid game EVER used. THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY!!! Yeah, that sums that up.



The graphics, to be honest, could have been MUCH better. The soldiers are VERY tiny on screen, leaving you squinting to see your own troops, and the graphics look almost pixelated. I know this is a Nintendo DS, not a PS3, but still...



Music? Weird, bland, annoying. Do I have to say anymore? At least you can hardly notice it.

MUSIC: 1.5/10


Probably the worst game I've ever played. This shall be the first game on this site's upcoming "Condemned" list, which is a list of games you SHOULDN'T buy. The only reason I bought this game was because, I was looking for "Fire Emblem, The Sacred Stones", couldn't find it, and bought this game instead.


*Other note: About the Final Fantasy 4 DS review, I know I said I "WILL have it done soon" around a month ago. No, I have not ditched that project, it's just that the final area is taking much longer than I expected. It shouldn't be long now, though.*