Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Head tracking Wii based technology

Hello! It's R2d2!

Today I would like to tell you about a cool, new 3-d Wii based technology, that uses the Wii remote's infared cameras, and the sensor bar's infared lights, to create a 3-d effect if the sensor bar is mounted on your head. The sensor bar will give the location of your head to the computer, when the Wii remote sees the infared light from the sensor bar. Here is a video that is likely to better explain it:

See it on Youtube at:

Thanks to jcl5m for uploading the video. His Youtube channel is

So, is that not cool enough?

Create some games already, Nintendo!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Video game addiction rant

Okay, first, sorry for not posting for a while. Nothing worthy of note to talk about, but I think I've come up with something for this post.

Video game addiction. First of all, when someone says video game addiction, people think of ordinary computer nerds playing for at most 3 hours a day. Then, when they say that someone had a heartattack playing World Of Warcraft, the listener paints these ordinary computer nerds as people becoming messed up and getting heartattacks because those "Darn electro widgets" are "Bad for their health.

Okay: There is a difference between what I call "Addicted Gamers" and "Casual Gamers."

Casual Gamers (Like myself and some of the other bloggers(*ahem* Me! I've invaded the post! ~Yeah568)) DO NOT get heartattacks from playing video games.Casual gamers are the NORMAL computer nerds who play usually for 3 hours a day at most. (With some exceptions, like when Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out :))

Addicted gamers are, in my opinion, complete freaks who play for A LOT more than 3 hours a day. Here's one good example: an undisclosed South Korean gamer died of a heart failure after playing Starcraft for 50 hours straight. FIFTY HOURS. And in a book I read, the author was blaming the video game. RIGHT. And absolutely no blame goes to his parents, or other factors, right? WRONG! How bad does a parent have to be, to not teach his/her child that it is NOT a good idea to do a single activity for 50 hours straight. That's basic stuff, and if you parents of that gamer, or any other parents whose kids have died from playing too long, are reading, then I say shame on you. And you can't say that any other activity would have been okay, because any other activity ISN'T. JOGGING for 50 hours will likely leave you as a dead man also. I know that when this gamer was a child, there were no addictive games, so the parents couldn't have specifically taught him about not playing for 50 hours straight, but, come on - If he plays for 50 hours straight, then the parents obviously didn't do something right, because, if it was the video games' fault, then everyone who was born before games were around, and are gamers now, would also be playing for 50 hours straight.

So now you know the difference between addicted gamers and casual gamers. And if any parents are reading this, and your kid has been playing something for 10 hours each day, please pull it together, and tell them to take a BREAK.