Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Personal Cooking Mama Cookoff Review

Hello there! I'm here to talk about my experience with the Wii game called Cooking Mama Cookoff.

STORY: For those of you who think there is a story, well, there is none. Basically you are a chef in the kitchen that will cook to try and impress "The Cooking Mama."after every step of a meal, you'll be awarded points based on how well you did, and Mama will give a comment in her thick German accent about how well you did. She'll either say: I will help you :( (Bad) or Good, keep going! (Average) or Wonderful!! Better than Mama!!!!! (Good) Or, in her jealousy, she'll spaz at you and Shout GREAT!!!!!

GAMEPLAY: The cooking motions all mostly use the wii-mote, but some of them also include buttons. The challenges range all the way from cracking an egg to chopping squids. in 1-p mode, every time you finish a meal that you haven't done before, you'll add a new recipe to your cookbook. There are French, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, American and Spanish recipies, and those are just the ones that I've unlocked!! There is also something called "Challenge Mode" where you don't get a score after every step of the meal; Just your finishing score. also, you won't get instructions for each step of the meal.

GRAPHICS: the graphics are fairly simple, but still nice. The thing I like most about the graphics, though, is that everything is moving. Mama is swinging her head back and forth, the forks and knives are dancing around, and even the text is pulsating.

2-P MODE: Two player mode is nice. the contestants choose on a recipe and and have a competition cooking it. Points are awarded just like they are in 1-p mode. When the meal is completed, whoever has more points is the winner. There's also a "friends and food of the world" mode where the human plays against a CPU.

MY CRITICISMS: My main criticism is that the challenges are too repetitive. There are about 20 different steps that are used for 50 recipies. Other than that, It's quite a good game.

This game would be better suited for a price of probably 40$, not 60$.

Goodbye. :)

1 comment:

Rabi` said...

Sounds (or should I say "smells"?) like a nice game. How many categories of Japanese cooking do they have? In real life, they seem endless! And, I wonder what the other cuisines available for unlocking are.

Oh, will the Wii add an odor feature in the future? That will surely open up a world of possibilities, both of the pleasant and unpleasant kinds.