Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones review.

The Following is a review for the 2005 Game-boy Advance game called Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

Story: The story is completely unrelated to any of the other Fire Emblem games. The Story goes like this: The continent of Magvel, ruled by the nations of Renais, Grado, Rausten, Jehanna, Frelia, and Carcino, has lived in peace for 800 years. However, in a sudden and unexpected attack, Grado invades Renais for reasons that I will not give away in order to not spoil the plot twist.You must lead Eirika, princess of Renais, to defeat Grado. Of course, at the end you'll have to slay a demon, but that's not until the final boss.

STORY: 8.5/10

Gameplay: The gameplay is the same old, typical Fire Emblem style TWBRPG, similar to Radiant Dawn. However, the game's difficulty, even on Easy mode, makes the game... Different.

GAMEPLAY: 7.5/10

Graphics: The graphics... Well, let's just say that they're good enough for a 2005 Gameboy Advance game.

GRAPHICS: 7.5/10

Music: Their is a large variety of music, but most of it is quite repetitive.



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