Monday, August 18, 2008

Blob 3 Review

Hey guys!

Sorry about the recent period of inactivity, but I've been busy with uther things (*cough*Algebra 1*cough*). Anyways, this is a review on a game no, not by Nintendo, but by Burnt Waffle Productions, a local game devoloper, creator of the Bob the Blob series. I have a review on his latest game, Blob 3.

Story: Bob was out exploring one day, and got dragged into a cave by two giant Ovils. Bob's mother got worried, formed a search party, and basically goes the 4 worlds/30 levels and tries to find Bob. Nice storyline, pretty original.

STORY: 9/10

: Simple gameplay. Arrow keys. That's about it. There's also space for invincibility for Blobetta, but that's only her. There's a nice replay value, because there's three charecters, each with their own abilities. Flame is super fast, Blobetta can turn invisible and invincible, and Blobia can take two hits.


The graphics were apparently made in Paint.NET and Game Maker's painting utility. Looks good for something that came from that. Of course, nothing earth shattering, but good for his third game.

: 7.5/10

Music: All original music, made in Anvil Studio. Catchy, nothing groundbreaking.

: 9/10

OVERALL RATING: 8.265/10 - Impressive

What do you think? Good? Bad? Discuss it in the comments.

P.S. Burnt Waffle Productions site is
P.S.S. Burnt Waffle Productions recycles! He told me to say that!

1 comment:

Taylor R. said...

Thank you for the nice review :)