Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Review

Hello Again!!

The Following is a review for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Story: It would take up more than half of the review if I were to explain the whole story, so I'll just explain how it starts in part 1.
3 years have passed since the nation of Crimea PWNED the nation of Daein in a bloody, midevial war. Since Crimea didn't have the resources to own another country, they turned the nation over to their ally, the mighty Begnion empire, who marched right in, commited war crimes, and took over.
Now, a group of rebellious teenagers (With weapons) are attempting to free their country.

GAMEPLAY: The games genre is a TWBRPG (Tactical Warfare based Role Playing Game) with simple and easy to learn controls. However, although learning the game is easy, playing it is not. It is pretty hard even on normal difficulty, especially for n00bs to the series like myself. You'll need to be coming up with brilliant and bizarre strategies, making use of close range and long range attacks.
GAMEPLAY: 7.5/10

GRAPHICS: The graphics are nothing special, but for a game where graphics don't matter, the graphics are pretty impressive.

MUSIC: The music is pretty good, nothing too repetetive. That's all I have to say about the music.
MUSIC: 8/10


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