Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Review


Sorry for the posting inactivity period, but I've finally found something to write about! Yay!

The following is the review for Nintendo & Hal Laboratory's new and supposedly legendary release! But has it lived up to expectations?

Story: Well, if you can call it a story.
This "Story mode" is what people call "The Subspace Emissary." 1 or 2 players can join in this adventure - style sidescrolling mode. What is the story? Well, to sum it up, all you need to know is that evil purple people from subspace have come to take over the world of Brawl. now it's up to your ragtag bunch of fighters to stop them! However, this story mode is'nt without it's flaws: first of all, the story is somewhat uncreative. Secondly, the story mode is somewhat easy and quick to beat
Story: 6.5/10

for those of you n00bs (No offense) that don't know what smash is, let me explain.
It's a fighting game where the objective is to knock your opponents of the stage. To do that, you need to raise their damage meter by attacking. The higher damage they have, the farther they fly when attacked, making it easier to knock them off. the controls are relatively easy to learn, even for the n00bs to the series. you can play with either the wii-mote turned sideways, the wii-mote connected to the nunchuck, (numchuck, nunchuk, whatever) the Wii Classic controller, or the Nintendo Gamecube controller, letting you use whatever style suits you best.
Gameplay: 10/10.

Graphics: The graphics were overall pretty good, a bit better than Super Smash Bros. Melee's graphics. Nothing "Breathtaking" though.

MUSIC: The Music is made up of a variety of songs from different games that NEVER get boring.
MUSIC: 9.5/10

OVERALL RATING: 8.25/10 - Satisfactorily meeting expectations

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